Wednesday 12 December 2012

Eight and Ninth Week Task

Hi everyone :)

For these two weeks task, we were asked to make a mini research on the survey that we created last week based on the topic that we chose, in which my group mate, Yen Yen and I chose 'Web 2.0 in Education'.

We managed to get 26 respondents to enable us to proceed with this mini research. We need to make this mini research using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), in which we have to use the survey made using Google doc in the previous week.

The steps to make this mini research using SPSS is quite complex and complicated for me. So, here I provide you with a link showing you the steps on how to analyze data from the survey that we made using SPSS.

It is complicated, isn't it? I don't really enjoy doing this task as it makes me a little bit stressful. But we managed to make it done and we are now trying our best to write a report of this mini research. I will update that report on the next entry after we have done working on it.

That would be all for this entry. Thanks for reading ;)

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