Wednesday 28 November 2012

Sixth and Seventh Week Task

Hi everybody! It has been a while since I posted anything here. So, today I would like to write and share about what my classmates and I have done in Computer in Education class during the sixth and seventh week.

We were asked to create our own online questionnaire using for survey research on the topic that we have chosen in the previous week in which my group mate, Yen Yen and I chose 'Web 2.0 in education'.

We tried exploring surveymonkey first by creating a random questionnaire and I created one on music. Well, feel free to answer this :)

And after we have done exploring how to create an online questionnaire using surveymonkey, we moved on with creating another survey regarding the topic that we have chosen before. We did the questionnaire using both surveymonkey and Google doc. Here, I provide you with the link of questionnaire on 'Web 2.0 in Education' using surveymonkey:

And this is the one using Google doc:

As for now, we have not gained many respondents yet. But we are trying to search for more. Feel free to answer all of the questionnaires to help us with the mini research that will be done next week.

From my point of view, I would prefer using surveymonkey more as it is easier for me to create a questionnaire. But creating one using Google doc could ease us in gaining the result. It depends on the main objective of creating the questionnaire. And I think, that would be all for now.

See you guys on the next entry ;)

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