Thursday 27 September 2012

Third Week Task

Hello people. Nice meeting all of you again :)

In Computers in Education class yesterday, we learned to write a report using Google doc. Do all of you familiar with Google doc? If you are not, well, same as me. This is my first time using Google doc to write a report. And from my opinion, I would prefer Microsoft Word more than Google doc. Because Google doc can only be used with internet connection. While we can use Microsoft Word anytime without any internet connection. But at least I have learned something new today about technology.

To surf through Google doc,  click here and your screen will show this,

All you need to do is sign in with your own e-mail and password in the purple box. If you don't have any gmail, yahoo or hotmail account, you should definitely sign up first. And after you have signed in, this will appear on your screen,

To start writing a report, you need to click on "CREATE" button in the red box on your left and choose "Document". And there you go, you can now write your report and share it with your friends and lecturers.

From the proforma given, we were required to write a report on Course Management System (CMS) and Learning Management System (LMS). I did write a short and simple report on CMS and LMS. Please have a view on this link, Course and Learning Management Sytem.

After that, we need to create a folder in our own Dropbox account that we have created last week and share the report in it.

That is all that we have learned this week and we are hoping for another new knowledge to be learned in the next class. Till we meet again later ^^

Sunday 16 September 2012

First and Second Week Task

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my new blog and please be glad to read my very first entry for this blog. I do actually have a blog before but it might be informal and might not suits well with the subject that we learned right now which is Computers in Education.

I have been into the class last week with the classmates in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) programme from Faculty of Education, The National University of Malaysia. I did not get the chance to finish the tasks during the 3 hours class as I haven't get a computer for myself in the lab so I decided to do the tasks by myself and here I am, almost done with the first week's task.

We have learned about creating our own Yahoo group, Facebook group, registering ourselves in Dropbox and also here in Blogger.

Having my own Yahoo and Facebook groups are actually my very first experience in having it as me, myself as the creator. I usually joined my friend's groups and sometimes I joined them without even care about the activities or contents of the groups. And creating it by myself has taught me that the groups could ease us in delivering messages or information to our friends or other people.

Dropbox is actually new for me. I haven't heard it before and knowing it in the class has made me a little bit excited. Dropbox acts similarly like a thumb drive or a hard disk. But we may misplace the thumb drive or the hard disk because of their size. So, Dropbox is our best choice to save all of the files, documents and stuff like that. I have registered myself and installed it in my laptop. And you should try it yourself too here.

Last but not least, Blogger is quite common for me as I have another blog before this, like I told you before. Having a blog helps me a lot in expressing my ideas and also sharing my feelings. Blogs give us the chance to share with others about our opinions and also giving them the opportunity to give their comments and ideas.

I do expect lots of things from this course as I am not really good in computing and teaching online stuff. I might get useful knowledge that could be used for teaching tools later on when the right time comes. A lot of guidance from the lecturers, coordinators and friends are much appreciated. Thank you everyone. And let's enjoy and have fun together in our next class ^^

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone.